Anyhoo, Dad's are officially cool so I, for one, will be encouraging the boys to draw a fabulous picture for him and make him something dramatic with their Lego as a present because, erm, well, what *do* you get Dads for Father's Day?
My own Dad gets a paltry selection of stuff like Rod Stewart CDs and books about Geoff Hurst and the occasional carved, wooden thing and a card with a Kingfisher on it and things like that, but I don't think a Dad who hasn't yet hit his forties would really be that pleased with such tasteful fare. So, I'm just going to stick with the Lego I think - it probably counts as 're-gifting' - making something with the Lego which Santa got the boys for Christmas, so that's got to be good for the environment hasn't it?
Failing that, if you're stuck for ideas, how about doing something totally radical and sending him something from Interflora - they don't just do flowers you know, they have hampers and a whole range of father's day gifts. Interflora also do a same day flower delivery, so you could always accidentally order yourself a lovely bunch of summer flowers at the same time. Well, he didn't send you any for Mother's Day did he, so why not? (stamps foot).
If hampers or flowers aren't his thing, how about an instruction manual? Dad's like them don't they? Tim Atkinson, the man, the dad, the genius behind the incredibly successful blog 'Bringing up Charlie' has poured all his hard years of research and experience in the matter of Fatherhood into his very own book 'Fatherhood: The Essential Guide'. Essential reading for all new dads - and some of the not so new dads too (ahem). This is an excellent book which I would highly recommend.
So now you have no excuses: Hampers, Flowers, Books or, failing all else, Lego spaceships.
Dads. Rock.

That is a picture of Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters, by the way. He is a dad. And he rocks.