March 2012: The Irish Examiner - Mother Knows Best - the role of celebrity mums
February 2012: The Irish Independent - iParenting
January 2012: The Irish Examiner - Is Lego Sexist?
August 2011: The Irish Independent - 'Bye bye chicken nuggets and chips'
May 2011: The Irish Independent - 'Making magic to infinity and beyond'
April 2011: The Irish Independent - 'Who dares to ditch the party bag?'
March 2011: The Irish Independent - 'Is this the start of airline apartheid?'
November 2010: The Irish Examiner - 'Learning Lessons: midterm musings'
October 2010: The Irish Independent - "Tall tales for small people"
August 2010: The Examiner - "Starting School"
August 2010: The Irish Independent - "Attachment Parenting"
May 2010: The Irish Independent - "There's no friendly fire in this battle"
March 2010: The Examiner - "Spoil yourself if no one else will"
March 2010: The Examiner - "Mum's the word for busy bloggers"
Spring 2009: Modern Mum magazine - "Simple Pleasures"
September 2009: Modern Mum magazine - "Hungry Tums and Stressed-Out Mums"
October 2009: The Examiner - "A week without TV"
November 2009: The Examiner - "Dotcom Moms"
December 2009: The Examiner - "Making Christmas Magical"