After hanging up my professional boots in March 2009 to take up my new post as a 'Stay At Home Mum', life has been very, very busy. Staying at home with my two boys is by far the toughest job I have ever done, but I am sure they will be eternally grateful to me and will shower me with flowers and take me out for lunch when I am old and doddery. Why are you laughing?
Leaving the corporate world behind also allowed me to stretch my literary wings and as well as sharing my musings on life here, I am a freelance writer for The Irish Independent, The Irish Examiner and for several parenting magazines and websites in the UK and Ireland. Examples of my work can be seen in the 'Published Work' page. I also review books and interview authors for - see my page 'Off the Shelf' for the latest reviews and have recently started a guest blog 'Carry on Writing' for where I share my thoughts, experiences, ups and downs of life as an aspiring author.
In March 2011, I self-published my ebook 'Hot Cross Mum - Bitesize Slices of Motherhood' - read more about the background to my decision to publish as an ebook and for reviews of the book. I also contributed to the book 'Toddlers: An Instruction Manual' by Joanne Mallon.
'The Girl Who Came Home' , my first novel, was self-published on Kindle in March 2012. See the link to my 'The Girl Who Came Home' page to read the synopsis.
UPDATE JULY 2013: THE GIRL WHO CAME HOME will be republished in paperback by William Morrow Books (HarperCollins) in April 2014. DAUGHTERS OF THE FLOWERS will follow in early 2015.
I am now writing about writing (!) at my new blog Whims and Tonic.
I am represented by Michelle Bower, Folio Literary Management, New York.
Thank you for visiting.
Image courtesy of Miss Anne Traintor