Interview on The Modern Woman's Survival Guide - Part 1
Louise McCarthy, Mammy Dolittle
Laura Tyrrell, Musings on a Life Quite Ordinary
Allison Tait, Life in a Pink Fibro
Lucy Mulvaney, Diminishing Lucy
Emily Organ, Babyrambles
Catherine Ryan Howard, Catherine Caffeinated
Frau Fancy, I'm So Fancy
Chicklit Club's Digital Domain
Lisa at
"last night I finished reading your ebook (I downloaded it from Amazon) and I love, love, LOVED it! Truly, it's a special book. Made me want to be a better Mum!" - Jacki at More Than A Mummy
“This is really a wonderful achievement and a love-letter to your boys, how lucky they are to have that to read when they are older.” - Sinead Moriarty, bestselling author of ‘The Baby Trail’ and ‘Pieces of My Heart’
“Hazel is a brilliant writer and captures the essence of being thrust into motherhood headfirst. Her writing is hilarious and often cuts close to the bone. She'll have you chuckling at your computer screen for hours.” - Susanna Scott, Founder of British Mummy Bloggers and co-founder of CyberMummy Conferences
"A funny, relevant and wonderfully honest account of motherhood. I laughed out loud and nodded in recognition all the way through." - Sinead Moriarty, bestselling author of ‘The Baby Trail’ and ‘Pieces of My Heart’
“Fresh,quirky and compelling. Hazel describes herself as "two parts mum, one part writer," and we'd say "three parts fabulous." - Linda Jones, Editor, Ready for Ten
“I loved this book. As every mum knows parenting is not easy and Hazel captures the ups and downs of family life with humour and uncanny accuracy.” - Sarah Liddy, Editor, Irish Parent Magazine
“Hazel Gaynor is a funnier version of your best laugh-out-loud, fabulous, friend - the one who can take a mundane or even miserable mom-moment and spin it into pure comedy gold. Her wickedly wonderful “bitesize slices of motherhood” go down easier than the smoothest top-shelf tequila and satisfy on every level.” - Jenna McCarthy, bestselling author of ‘The Parent Trip’ and ‘Cheers to the new mom!’ / ‘Cheers to the new Dad!’.
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