I have a serious case of blogging malaise going on. I just can't seem to summon up the time, energy or typing skills to even get started with a post, or read others. Even writing this is a sort of last-ditch effort to keep my little piece of cyberspace alive and kicking.
The main problem is that I can't seem to come up with anything to write about which would be of even the slightest bit of interest to a passing snail, let alone anyone else. And reading other blogs sends me into a minor panic about how witty, original and active everyone else seems to be. Could I be suffering from my first experience of bloggers block I wonder? It's never happened before - I usually have ideas and yarns spilling out of notebooks, but not at this moment. Yikes galore. I'm sure there is some exercise I can do to reignite the writing genius within - but I can't be bothered to be honest. Yes, it's That Bad.
Having pondered this issue for a while, as I removed another off-target wee from the toilet floor, I have come to the conclusion that my lack of inspiration is due to the fact that I have been so totally, completely and utterly immersed in my home and kids for the last 8 weeks (yes 8 - count them), that I literally cannot see the wood for the trees. I can't hear their amusing little anecdotes anymore. I can't see the world through their eyes. All I see is mess and all I hear is myself shouting - only to be occasionally drowned out by the washing machine's spin cycle as it seemingly attempts to bore its way into an underground bunker, and I want to write and read about anything other than all that.
So, THANK THE LORD that next Wednesday my biggest boy will start school and my youngest will start pre-school. I feel like a prisoner counting off the days until my release. Wednesday 1st September - FREEDOM - when for 3 blissful hours I will be alone. Sans enfants. I'm almost giddy at the mere thought.
Maybe then, I'll start to regain some inspiration. Until then, thank you for listening Mr Snail.