Rediscovering the 'Me' in 'Mumeeeeeee'

'I have always thought that there is no more fruitful source of family discontent than a housewife’s badly-cooked dinners and untidy ways'. (Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management, 1861)

February 17, 2010

Not a blog post

After careful consideration, I have decided not to write a post about the rubbish week I’m having. I’m not sure it would make for the most pleasant reading.

So I won’t be telling you about the fact that neither of my children have eaten properly for what seems like days as they look at me with disgust whenever I put a plate of food in front of them which isn’t cheese sandwiches.

I won’t dwell on the fact that my car doors locked themselves this morning, when the keys were in the ignition because I was trying to warm the car up so it was nicer for the boys to get into. I also won’t say anything about the fact that my husband snoozed soundly under the duvet while I sorted this out.

I won’t be telling you about the fact that after arranging for my four-year-old to play at a friend’s house this afternoon, my two-year-old was so upset about the fact that he wasn’t included that he actually threw up. I also won’t mention the absolute, off-the-richter-scale temper tantrum the four-year-old then threw when I went to collect him to bring him home.

I won’t write anything about the broken tumble drier or the fact that I am drowning in a sea of semi-dry clothes.

Oh, and I won’t bore you with the fact that my two-year-old has refused to put his coat on all week without having a massive meltdown.

So, instead of all that I’m not going to write a post today. Instead I’m going to hope for a good night’s sleep and start again tomorrow. As you do.



  1. In that case I shan't tell you that it will be better tomorrow... but it will be.

  2. Oh dear. I won't say I sympathise and have so been there! Go and get a large glass of wine!!

  3. Oh man, I HATE days like that. Sweet dreams tonight--and good luck for tomorrow!

  4. What a crappy day, hope things are better tomorrow. x

  5. In that case, I'm not going to comment and say that I hope things start looking up soon :)

  6. (((hugs)))) us mummies have to stick to gether when the bad stuff gangs up on us. Hope things improve soon and the good stuff gets back top!

  7. oh it happens to us all.. and usually at the same time :) I actually did that with my car as well in the middle of all the snow- but I was actually convinced that the car door had just frozen over and so had my hubbie out there in the freezing cold pouring boiling water over the car door for 10 mins.. Am cringing just thinking about it...he did not appreciate it...

  8. I thought it was just me! i'm christening it 'black week' there must be something in the air! Hope tomorrow is better for you x

  9. Oh Flip - Your having a week of it.

    Sometimes I think children are mini terrorists in disguise, but I have to say I think the broken tumble drier would brake me...

    Hope you feel better after a good nights sleep,

    Love Lydia xx

  10. Bad days are almost always followed by good days. Hugs.

  11. in that case i shan't leave you a comment saying that i hope tomorrow is a better day.

  12. In that case I won't leave a comment either. I could say that you were just having a bad day and things will be better tomorrow but but I don't think I will. (Here's a virtual ((HUG)) but let's pretend I didn't send that.)

  13. Some days life just sucks (quote from Hanna Montanna via my 10 year old!)

  14. Oh dear, best plan is to go to bed and pretend the day didn't happen. Sweet dreams:) Jen.

  15. am hoping you'll have had some great ones by now to make up for that because even though you most definitely didn't write about it, it definitely sounded like it sucked....

  16. Oh I've had many of those types of days/weeks and can totally empathise (especially with vision of him indoors blissfully snoring away!). Hope the sharing helped.

  17. I missed this post somehow. Sorry! Glad to see you remained calm and carried on!


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