When I first started blogging three years ago, lots of people looked at me sideways and asked 'why?' It was hard for them to understand why on earth I would bother sharing my innermost thoughts on a page in cyberspace which total strangers would read. I would attempt to explain how it wasn't just an online diary and would tell them all about the lovely community of bloggers, and how it was a great way to find your style of writing, blah, blah, blah but they still didn't really get it.
So, I decided to stop being over-complicated about it all and explained it as simply as this: I blog because I want to write.
Blogging has been my daily exercise, my 30 minute jog around the park, the thing that keeps my writing fit and healthy. Without it, I would never have had the confidence to tackle freelance articles for the papers or review books by actual, proper authors, let alone write a novel of my own.
My blog may have been a little neglected of late - I've moved on from the very early stages of motherhood and I sometimes don't feel I have as much to add to the 'debate' any more. But, I still enjoy this space to write about things which make me laugh, rant, stamp my feet in rage or to simply offer my view on topics as diverse as handbags, Easter eggs and my husband's irrational intolerance of fairy lights. And I still love to come here and share the ups and downs of motherhood.
My blog has, and always will be, about writing first and foremost. I love writing. I can't stop writing. And I shall continue writing until the virtual cows come home. I may not blog as regularly now as I used to when I was a fresh-faced (?) blogging newbie, but I still love my little corner of cyberspace; still love having this place of my own to write openly and freely as the mood hits me. And if my words make others laugh, cry, write an impassioned response or just tell their friends over coffee, then that's wonderful.
So, I was absolutely thrilled yesterday to find out that I have been nominated for a MAD Best Blog Writer Award. Whoever my fairy blogmother was who nominated me, I would like to say a huge thanks. I am honestly very, very surprised but utterly thrilled to be nominated and in this category particularly. Many other fab bloggers have also been nominated for this award - that's Mummy Cool, Joanne Mallon, Honest Mum, Touch & Tickle and Geek Mummy so far. I'd like to wish everyone many congratulations on being nominated and the very best of luck.
Here's to blogging and to writing.