Blogs are strange things. As a veteran blogger of two whole years, I've seen lots of new bloggers enter the blogosphere, while others lose their interest in, reason for, or time for blogging and, sadly, disappear.
Quite often I have said, "That's it - I'm leaving it there." Like 'Fawlty Towers' and 'The Office' I plan to leave on a high point and before everyone tires of my mutterings and musings. And then, something happens - one of the children will do or say something, or we find ourselves in a bizarre situation, or I read something which pushes my buttons and I turn to my blog to share my thoughts with anyone who's listening.
So, I've come to the conclusion that, just like everything else in life, blogs have a life cycle. And this is it:
Blogspawn - a new blog is born. It is full of energy and multiplying cells and cannot do anything but grow and develop. It feels a little restricted though, swishing about under the surface and not quite knowing how to get out there into the pond. It is easily intimidated by the fully grown Blogs and can't ever imagine being that big.
Blogpole - finally free from its initial Blogspawn confines, the Blogpole starts to move around; expanding its world by having a look around the pond and seeing what else is out there. Blogpoles are a little braver than Blogspawn and start making friends with other Blogpoles. They go off and search the pond together and feel much braver. They also have loads of energy and enthusiasm and are delighted with their new found freedom.
Bloglet - Now the Bloglet has legs and can really get out and about to see what's going on out there in the pond. With their new limbs, Bloglets go rushing around; they never seem to stop - dropping in here, there and everywhere. Bloglets are full of great ideas and join in with all the activities in the pond. Blogs, Blogpoles and Blogspawn are a bit in awe of them and their unfaltering enthusiasm.
Blog - Finally, the fully formed, Blog emerges. It is big, bold and confident and can hop around the pond at will - or may even leave the pond entirely for periods of time. Blogs enjoy being part of the pond, but also enjoy lazing around on lily pads, thinking of something original and interesting to say. They feel exhausted just looking at the Blogpoles and Bloglets zipping about. Blogs sometimes like to find a nice bit of mud to go and hide in for a long time - they might tell you they are going, or they might just go. Some Blogs even say that they are going away for good. But they usually come hopping back to the pond at some point; back to where they started out as that small bit of Blogspawn many moons ago.
Big, fat Blog, or Blogspawn - what stage of the Blogging Life Cycle are you at?