I've written before about the reasons why I blog - they are many and varied. I'm proud of my blog and of reaching my first blog anniversary recently. I've always prided myself on finding the time to turn on the PC, let alone to write anything which is coherent and of interest to others. But over time, lots of other stuff has started to happen, because of the blog. I dabbled in Twitter and soon found that my dabbling was taking up most of my time at the PC. I've had interest in the blog being published, which is amazing. My inbox is deluged with PR requests, notifications of new Twitter followers, people wanting to be my friend on Facebook and LinkedIn, tagging me with photos on my Wall (I'm still not entirrely sure where this is!), tagging me with memes and to be perfectly honest, it's all become a bit overwhelming.
I just don't have the time to respond to all this as thoroughly as I'd like to. I don't have the technical ability to set up a comment reply system - I even joined Muddling Along Mummy's Technophobes Training Club and haven't had time to read the posts or do anything with the advice contained within - kind of ironic really, and I've realised that I am simply trying to do too much; fitting in blog posts between nappy changes and running the bath, rushing up three flights of stairs to the attic and back down again to type in a few more words while the dinner bubbles away on the hob (no, I don't have a laptop) and working at a PC which is a bit buggered and always crashes when I'm in the middle of reading and commenting on other blogs....you get the picture.
What started out as a joy of writing and a way of keeping the brain active after losing my job has now, itself, become a full-time job. A job which I don't have time to do! My real job, first and foremost is to be mum to my boys and secondly, is to establish a credible career as a freelance writer.
I really, really, want to write a publishable book so I have to get some time back for this. I also really enjoy writing my articles, which also help to pay the bills. I also, very much, want to continue being involved in the blogging community which I love and am looking forward to meeting fellow bloggers at CyberMummy and to congratulating the winners of the inaugral MADS awards...it's just at the moment, I'm worrying about the blog related things I haven't got round to doing, rather than enjoying the blogging I am doing.
So.....I think I need a bit of a blog break to sort this all out, regain some balance in my life and stop feeling guilty if I haven't commented on anyone else's blog for a few days. A blog-iday if you like. A blog-cation. OK, just a break, a step back to put it all into perspective and as we head off on holiday this week, it seems as good a time as any to do this.
I'll still be posting my rambling thoughts - just maybe not as regularly. And I'll still be dropping in to read all you other brilliant bloggers as often as I can.