For the past month, my kitchen has been adorned with my children’s wonderful artistic creations. Mother’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Spring and Easter have all been celebrated with glittery paper tea cups, lolly stick flags, cotton wool lambs, tissue paper chicks, loo roll daffodils and endless amounts of paintings and colouring in.
My dilemma is what to do with this all now it has been taken down? There’s too much to keep but I can’t bring myself to throw any of it out (I should probably mention that I have three year’s worth of similar stuff lurking around which I also haven’t decided what to do with yet).
I do realise that if I was sensible and matter-of-fact about this, I would select a couple of things to keep and recycle the rest. But how can I decide between these lovely things – each made by their own little hands and each a mini milestone in their development (the cotton wool lamb my three and a half year old made this year is so much more obviously a lamb than last year’s!).
If I keep them, who am I keeping them for? For the children so they can look back and laugh at their early masterpieces, or for myself so I can go on a massive nostalgia trip when they are grown up and tell me they wish they’d never been born?
Perhaps I’ll have a de-cluttering frenzy in a year or so and throw it all out with wild abandon. For now though, I’m very sentimental about these innocent bits of sticking and gluing so I’m keeping them. I think.