I’m not quite sure whether to jump for joy or weep into my
coffee. Why? Because with my youngest starting
Junior Infants this week, both my children are now at school. It’s a strange
feeling; a mixture of pride, joy and nostalgia. How did those years go by so
quickly? How did those tiny babies grow up so fast? I’m sure these are thoughts
being shared by many parents around the country this week.
Of course, it’s lovely to have a little bit of ‘me time’
back. Now, I have no excuse for putting off that daily morning walk I’ve been
talking about since September 2010. Now, I can sit at my desk and get on with
my job, without getting up to every ten minutes to separate Lego bricks or wipe
up a spilt drink or find a lost teddy. I will have the peace and quiet I have
craved so often – but I will miss the chaos.
Thankfully, my boys are still young enough to allow me to
kiss them goodbye in the school yard. I still get smothered with hugs when they
come home and I am still needed to patch up wounded knees and over-loved
teddies. I am also, of course, still needed to provide an endless supply of
food. The packed lunches are going well (so far) and appetites are definitely
increasing after a busy day at school. With the nip of autumn already in the
air, I’m looking forward to making warming soups and stews for my hungry boys.
Of course, they will refuse to eat them, but I will continue to make them
anyway in the hope that one day … one day …
With ‘Back to School’ there comes the inevitable return to
the old routines. Everything has to be that bit more regimented. Homework –
check. Dinner – check. Showers – check. Bedtime – check. The whole day seems to
be managed on the basis that ‘you have to be up early for school tomorrow.’ And
I find that what you put on the table for dinner can make or break the entire
day. If it’s a pasta carbonara night, everyone runs to the table and devours
the lot. If it’s salmon we may meet with some resistance and if it’s the
dreaded stew … shudder.
Having fought over the years about peas and broccoli, things
touching each other on the plate and arms which are simply too exhausted to
lift a knife and fork, I think I am now battle scarred enough to face whatever
new forms of mealtime protest my little soldiers throw at me. Slotted spoon at
the ready, I will face them head on.
Funny though, how I can now laugh at the little things they
said when they were just toddlers. And I quote:
- That’s too soft, I only like crunchy
- But that tomato is too bendy
- Well, it’s just that those carrots
are touching the peas
- Yukky. That bit of the banana is
- It’s just that my tummy is SO full
but my pudding tummy is still hungry
- But I can’t eat it mummy because
- I’m too tired to eat cucumber
- That’s got peppers in it and they
make me cough
- But if I eat all this, then I won’t
have room for any telly
The protests
about what’s on their dinner plate may change slightly, but the sentiment
remains the same.
Perhaps they
are growing up too quickly, but reassuringly, some things never change!
For loads of great meal ideas and easy recipes for healthy family meals, check out the Tesco Real Food page where you can search for recipes by ingredient, type of meal, cooking time or type of cuisine. There is also a great section for family meals on a budget.